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How to Make a Logo

Writer: dttennis75dttennis75

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

Hey guys! Welcome back to Purpose Design Co! I hope you all have had a great week!

This week's post is about how to make the face of your brand, which is your logo. The logo of your company or social media account give off the first impression to followers. If your logo has a nice aesthetic and color scheme, followers will be willing to scroll through your account. On the other hand, if your logo is messy, followers will skip past your account.

But, don't be worried, because I am here to help you! Now, go open your Canva and follow along with my steps!

Step 1: Search for the logo creation template.

In the upper right corner, click on "Create a Design". Then, search the word "logo" and the first option with 500 x 500 px is the option you will want to pick.

Step 2: Search for the theme you want.

For my logo for Purpose Design Co, I chose to go with a boho theme, since it matches my blog aesthetic. Once you search for your general theme, hundreds of options for you to choose from will pop up.

Suggestion: I would use a logo template with a circle frame because social media profile pictures are in a circle form.

Step 3: Add your own text.

This is the template I am using for Purpose Design! Since I am using a template, I need to get rid of the original company and replace it with mine. If you leave the original text on then it is not representing your page.

Step 4: Pick your color scheme.

In order to make your logo YOU, add colors that represent your personality! When I think of my personality, I imagine the color pink because that is my favorite color. Along with that, pink is a very common color in bohemian themes.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that your colors coordinate! If they don't, then your followers can get a bad first impression of your design skills. My suggestion is to use a neutral color as the base and a brighter color for the text.

Step 5: Add the finishing touches and download the logo!

Once you add any other elements to your logo, you will be ready to download the image! In order to do so, look to the upper right corner and click on the "share" button. Then, click on the download option. Remember to download it as a PNG so it will download in the highest quality.

Step 6: Show off your work!

The time has come. It is time to publish your logo for your very own graphic design logo! You can upload your logo to Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, or any form of social media you use for your design! I hope you feel some pride in your logo because it is representing YOUR designs!

Thank you for reading this week's blog!

Like this post and comment down below if you have any questions!

Follow my design account on Instagram down below!

I hope you all have a great week and live a life full of purpose!

With love,

Delaney <3


1 Comment

Nov 12, 2022

This thread was very insightful, helpful, and very simple and easy to follow, thanks Delaney!!

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